Voting Information

Registered Voters and Owners of property within the District (regardless of the location of primary residence) are eligible to vote in Sierra Lakes County Water District elections.

A brief description of the process is: 

  1. The District is one of the few landowner voting districts in the State. If there is an election the landowner will receive a voter designation form two to three months before the election. If there are multiple owners of a property, the owners must designate who will cast the vote for the property (only one vote per parcel). Landowners may not designate someone as a voter if that person is not listed on the deed. 
  2. Registered voters who are also landowners may only vote once.  
  3. A landowner with multiple properties may only vote once. If there are multiple owners of more than one property, the owners may decide that one owner will vote using one property and the other owner may vote using the other property.
  4. Corporations are considered people for voting purposes. A Corporation designates one of the owners listed on the deed as the voter. A Corporation cannot vote more than once even if it owns multiple properties unless there are multiple Corporate owners.  
  5. All elections are conducted by mail-in ballot. The designated voter will receive a mail-in ballot from Placer County.
  6. This voting procedure is only valid for District elections. Registered voters will receive a regular ballot for other offices and propositions from the Placer County elections office.